Sat, 27 Apr 2024


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-"Oh no, you just don't tell me anymore, you write it down."
*"Mmmm, and when do I do that?"
-"Now for example? Just tell what you were doing."
*"Hmmm, lets think....I was playing with Robbyn in the garden. Like that?"
-"Yes, sure, fine, do you have anything else?"
*"The grass is still wet and we played tag. Then you called me in. That's all I know for now."
-"If you know more, you can write it down here, alright?"
*"Mmmm, okay....I guess. Now I'm going to play some more. Bye!"

Friday July 22nd 2005.

Mmmmm, just think for a moment. This morning I had breakfast and then I wanted to go outside. But I couldn't, because the window was closed. My human was about to go away for the whole day.I didn't agree with that, so when she wanted to leave I walked with her. She picked me up and put me back, but I came back straight away. Then she pretended that there was something on the other side of the door and of course I had to check it out. Then she quickly closed the door. And there was nothing there, dirty trick.
When she finally came back we got some food. That was good, I was starving. Then I climbed on my humans lap, Robbyn joined me. He washed me and washed him some too. But he is so very big, so I started sucking on his ear. My human told me not to do that, but Robbyn didn't mind, so why stop? She was firm though and held his ear hidden behind her hand. Then I bit her finger. Not too hard, she'll scream!
Before going to bed I played with Robbyn's shoelace. That's a very nice plaything. Robbyn watched me the whole time and sometimes he tried to take it away from me. He didn't succeed. When I got tired I lied down on my humans lap and Robbyn played with it for a while.
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