Thu, 2 May 2024


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Sunday, May 19th 2002.

This morning,my human slept for a long time, so I decided to go down. I had to use the litter tray and wanted to play. Of course I ran in to the big girls. Nosed good morning with Quibus, Thia growled, so I ignored her. That she doesn't stop doing that, I don't understand. She is awfully hoarse at the moment, would she have growled too much? When my human finally came down, she prepared food for us. She thinks I eat very little. Then she should watch me tonight .... my belly will be like a round barrel.
Played nice wild games again today. The curtains were closed against the sun, so I climbed them again (now they're strung up again). Tried to get the fish tank open. That isn't easy. The lid that I need to lift is very heavy and I also sit on top of it. Out of frustration I started biting on the sides, into the wires of the lamp and the pump.
That got my human upset again. Lots of NO and SHAME and blowing in my face. Then she put peppermint oil on the wires. Bah! On the aquarium she placed a rug, but she can't fool me. I know exactly where the opening is .... and there is now a large section of the rug hanging over it. BAH, that human spoils everything! She has tried to distract me and comfort me by playing with me a lot and that made up for things. At bedtime I played with Yottum. I was very tired and had a lot of sleep. Went to lie down in Yottum's sleeping basket and that is indeed very comfortable. Fell asleep in it. Yottum wasn't pleased. Ultimately he lay down on the pillow next to me with a tormented look on his face. Still nice of him that he has let me sleep.

Monday, May 20th 2002.
Today is the last day of my humans vacation. Then she has to go back to work and the fun is over. Then I have to do without her all day and all day I will have to sit alone with the big cats. Actually only Yottum is nice to me. Have pity on myself big time
Had a good conversation with Yottum. Just needed to tell him that it annoyed me that he regularly lays down on the cupboard and that I can't get there. That Thia is regular lying on top of the cupboard, I don't mind, she wants nothing to do with me. But I like to keep Yottum within paw range. The only thing the guy had to say to that, was that I should wait until I was bigger than I could jump on the cupboard myself. Well that helps! I don't control my own growth rate, do I? He had to agree on that. Then he promised me to lie there as little as possible, but sometimes he just .... Look, that I understand, I have that I myself sometimes. But now I feel sad that I can't jump as high.
To distract me a bit, my human has organized a photo shoot for me. I just play with a toy and then she pushes a button on a device and then I'm just totally blinded. This is the flash, she explained very nicely. That is necessary, otherwise she can't see me on the picture. Nice .... now I can't see anything and I'm not happy with that.
I don't think today was nice day. I will go to sleep now. Maybe it will get better a little later, but I fear the worst.

Tuesday, May 21st 2002.
Today there was suddenly music while we were all still asleep. It proved to be the alarm. My human had to get out of bed and ready for work. She had already told me, but I had forgotten. When she left we got a sweet, which I found delicious. But then I was a bit lost. Yottum told me that she would be away for a while now and we had the house to ourselves. So I just played nice and then went to sleep. I saw the others do that too.
When my human came home, I got a lot of pats and some food. Greeted my human very enthusiastically and told her that I had missed her very much.
After dinner, torn down the house, just had to loose all my energy. My human has known. Even the tied up curtains weren't safe. Would I have grown?
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