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Saturday, May 25th 2002.
I clearly give a wrong signal when I play. Every time I want to do something that I really shouldn't, my human calls me and challenges me with a toy thing. I can't have that, so every time I accept the challenge. Maybe she knows me too well now. Whenever I want to do something naughty, she calls out SHAME and NO and before I have done anything. It's very difficult. And every time that challenge .... I can't let it pass. So I cooperate to my own opposition ?!?!?!

Sunday, May 26th 2002.
The morning went by calmly and this afternoon I had something new. I jumped on the upper plateau and saw too late that Quibus was already there. Of course she hissed and I got a slap and was bitten too. I didn't dare to lean away from her, because I was afraid I would fall from the plateau. So I leaned against Quibus and remained dead still. For a moment all was silent and then Quibus sniffed me and began to wash me. Not very extensive, but still. I have two already in my paw, now the last remains.

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