Tue, 23 Apr 2024


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For the first time in my life I see a white world outside. That's strange and asks for a (careful) plan of approach.

Of course one first needs to look at the stuff closely, see what it smells like and also what it tastes like.

If it appears to be nothing to be worried about, you go out and explore. Lets take a look in the rest of the garden.

Naturally it's much more pleasant to do so together, so you invite your little niece to come along.

The advantage is that you can show of a bit, without anyone commenting. There is no one else outside after all and that white stuff is new to her too.

That is.... until she becomes cold and hurries away. Looking for warmer places.

Well, that fast takes the fun out of it. After some looking around a bit more, you too go back inside.

And then you can take a lovely nap together, while you deliciously warm up above the radiator.
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